Friday, September 13, 2013

Let's Roll

Another year has come and gone. 12 years ago, tragedy struck the US. I shouldn't talk about it, though. You know as well as I do, and I'm sure you all know of flight 93. The plane that was hijacked, and aimed toward the white house. I want to talk about the civilian heroes on that plane.

You all know the story, but you may not know some of the things they said and did. When the plane was hijacked, they all cried and prayed that they could return home safely. When news that 3 other planes had been crashed into the country's most important structures, it became clear, that they would not touch the ground ever again, not while life courses through them.

They came together, total strangers, never having seen each other before, and they became heroes, heroes like no other. They called their loved ones, saying their final goodbyes, and with one last prayer, to their deity of choice, a man of whom's name escapes me, stood up, knowing that he would never see his baby daughter, and his young wife again, and said, "Let's roll."

They stormed the cockpit, fighting back the Al Queda on the plane, and crashed the plane, knowing that their lives meant little, compared to the lives that would have been lost, had they stood idle.

We can never compare to their courage, their bravery.

"Let's roll."

Two words, uttered millions of times in cheesy saturday morning cartoons, never has felt more inspiring. This man knew he was going to die, and he stood strong, rallying his makeshift militia of total strangers, none of them trained or even thought about being in a dangerous situation.

12 years, it's a long time, but I never want anyone to forget that day, the fear we felt, the hopelessness the country experienced, but also the heroism of those people, people as normal as you and I, banded together and became heroes, heroes far beyond the ones we watch on TV shows. I'm a fan of superhero TV shows and the like, but their bravery can't compare to the real courage shown by these people.

No one, ever forget it, never forget that day 12 years ago, and all the people who displayed acts of infinite courage.

What do you remember of 9/11? leave a comment if you want to.

1 comment:

  1. A tragic day in history, for sure. Scarring the face of Americas beauty, Forever.
